Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm slacking....

Yes, yes I know... I'm a slacking blogger. Does that even make sense? I guess I've been pretty busy over here. Starting tomorrow I will be much better. The kitchen is completed but I don't have any pictures yet because I need to put everything back where it goes. That is my goal for today!

As for the going back to work... I'm going to do it! I accepted the job late yesterday afternoon. The GM seems very excited to have me on board and said that he truly believes that with the rate that Lifetime is growing that if I just continue to be me and put myself out in front of the right people that I can have my own club one day. I thought at first it was fluff but then he said that when I'm in at Corporate in MN (8 days!) that he wants me to make sure that I meet and introduce myself to the higher ups, that he thinks the CEO would love me and that Lifetime does not care how long you have been with them, just how great you are at doing what you are doing. So lets all hope I get in there and prove myself worthy of all these compliments! I'm excited to start and really excited for all the new work clothes!


Jen said...

I can't believe it! Well actually, I can believe it now that I know you will be working for Lifetime. You spend so much time at the gym with the boys anyway...why not get paid to do it! Will the boys be in daycare at the gym? If so...that will be a sweet set up :-) Congrats honey! I am very excited for you.

Fidelity Reconstruction said...

What position did you take? membership sales? you should totally work ur way up to having ur own club! i am a club junkie and have been to SO many in the city and burbs and hands down LTF is the BEST! my favorite girl who is now in charge of group fitness at romeoville is heather not sure if u know her? body of steel and sooo nice. all the other instructors i know and love are still at warrenville though...well keep us posted on ur new position! good luck!

Fidelity Reconstruction said...

i'm sure u'll do great at that position toting potential members all around the club and getting them to join no problem since u'll be so passionate about the place!
good luck with your training and the job, i'll look fwd to reading bout it!! hope the kitchen looks good painted brown LOL. i put u on my fav's too :-)