Wednesday, September 17, 2008


A few days ago I wrote about going to a paint store with the boys to grab some paint samples. I grabbed a bunch in the hues I usually like - red, brown, yellow, green (and blue for our upstairs bathroom)but now I am stuck! Our painter stopped by yesterday afternoon to see what I wanted to repaint. He said he would call David in a few days and figure out when he can get started. In our painters world that means he could call David tonight and say he will be here tomorrow, or he may not call for a week and then spring it on us that he is coming th next day. So I have got to decide on a color! Now I have asked some close friends their opinions since they have seen our kitchen, but I thought I would open it up to the gallery. Suggestion/comments are welcome and appreciated!

Here is our kitchen now

Right now it is painted the Benjamin Moore color Home Sweet Home. It turned out a little more peachy then I was hoping for.

Now here are some colors that I am liking...

Cherokee Brick

Earthly Russet

Sweet Rosy Brown

Coyote Trail

You can click on the link to Benjamin Moore and look up the colors I have mentioned or find some others that you would like to suggest, I am open to anything :)

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